As I spend my time training in the Atlanta Police Academy, updates on my writing life are few and far between. However, due to some positive feedback on my story "Becoming Human" published in The MacGuffin, work on a full length novel may begin shortly! 04-08-2011
No new publications recently but I was just informed that my story "Down to the River" has been chosen for Foliate Oak's best of 2010 anthology! 01-28-2011
I woke up with a nice little gift in my inbox this morning. The MacGuffin has accepted my story "Becoming Human" for publication. This marks my first story ever to be published in PRINT! It is slated for release in the fall of 2011. 01-09-2011
Happy new year to all! Starting off strong with a column on Mens Mentis Praecelsus. If you love chocolate but you've never wondered where it comes from, this may just ruin your day, on the other hand, some children in Africa will appreciate it! 12-13-2010
As much as I hate to admit it, half a month past the mark, I am still not to the 50,000 word mark. I want to be able to blame the fact that my computer was in the shop for three weeks, but in honesty, I got worn out on the story. I guess it is a good sign that I need to either take a break or make some serious revisions. As of now, the word count stands at 45,000. I plan on powering through to the end this week, either way. On a happier note, my flash story "Circle Bread" is up at Lowestoft Chronicle, which is a nice little zine that publishes travel pieces. Merry Christmas and happy reading! 11-03-2010
I have begun a novel for NaNoWriMo which stands for National Novel Writing Month (nanowrimo.org). THe goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. Emphasis is on quantity over quality. It is for all the people who want to write a novel but don't have year and years to dedicate to it. I am doing it mostly for fun, and maybe a pretty cool fantasy epic will come of it. I guess we will just have to wait and see! (I am at 8,800 words so far!) 09-11-2010
ExPatLit.com has just posted their Summer/Fall 2010 issue which includes my story "Pity Tax." Enjoy! 07-27-2010
Not for Sale review is up! I urge you to check it out and then read the book! Also, thank you to my lovely wife for the beautiful changes to the website :). 07-19-2010
"The Rose and the Watermelon" is now live on the LITnIMAGE website. I also received word this week that my story "Choice-less" will be published in an upcoming issue of Liturgical Credo. Happy reading! 07-15-2010
This has been quite the week. First I received an email from ExPatLit.com informing me that they accepted my flash fiction story "Pity Tax" for publication. It will be coming out in the Summer/Fall issue on August 31st so I will post a link when it is up. Then, a few days later, Lowestoft Chronicle surprised me with an acceptance letter for "Circle Bread" which is another flash story. It is scheduled for release on December 1st. I'm super excited for the stories to be published but agonizing over the wait... 06-26-2010
Due to my most recent story to be accepted for publication, I thought it would be appropriate to mention something about the sex trafficking industry here. You might have noticed that this is a popular subject in my fiction. This is because I believe human trafficking is something that needs to be combated. I feel that since I have seen the atrocities that are taking place first hand, it is my duty to give readers the chance to experience what is really going on here (Thailand is the sex tourism capital of the world). That way we can all begin to work together to stop it. I am only one person, though, and there are much bigger groups already on the front lines of this fight. If "The Rose and the Watermelon" pained your heart as you read it, I would urge you to look in to the International Justice Mission and also the Not For Sale Campaign to learn more information and find a way to fight for these kids. I will also be posting a review of the book Not For Sale soon so be on the look out! 06-24-2010
I was so excited to receive an email from LITnIMAGE today. They informed me that they wanted to publish my flash-fiction story "The Rose and the Watermelon" in their upcoming July issue. This is a great publication and I am so excited that they chose to include me in it! 04-16-2010
Foliate Oak emailed me today to inform me that they have accepted "Down to the River" for publication. I'm still not sure when it will be up on their site. This has been one of my favorite stories and I was worried that no one was ever going to accept it (an all too common thought in my mind). 04-06-2010
Two fantastic things have happened recently. First, my story "Becoming Human"finally got accepted and is coming out within the next few months at Vulgata. Second, my story, "Where Hope Lies," was accepted to a magazine called Down in the Dirt which is put out by Scars publishing company. As soon as the pieces are up, I will add them to my website! 02-23-2010 Great news! My flash fiction piece "Baghdad Nights" has won the February Whidbey Writer's Workshop Student Choice Awards. I am so excited that they selected my story as the winner! I still can't even believe it. Check it out on the links page! 02-01-2010 My piece titled "Masquerade" went up today on The Nautilus Engine. It was awesome to see it on the site and even more awesome to see that they added artwork to it. You can get the link under the "Links" tab. I hope it is enjoyed! 01-18-2010 My flash piece "Market Day" just went up on bartlebysnopes.com this week. I'm so excited that they chose my story. The voting for "Story of the Month" starts on the 24th so if you liked my story, please go and vote for it. I would be honored. 01-01-2010 My website is now up and running. I am still working on it though so forgive me if it seems sparse. | Writerly (and Readerly) Websitesduotorpe.com
everywritersresource.com ralan.com gutenberg.org hatrack.com clarkesworld.com glimmertrain.org damazine.com mmpworld.com percontra.net pankmagazine.com asialiteraryreview.com (more coming...) |